PROJECT SAHYOG. LOCATION WARDHA DISTRICT, MAHARASHTRA Bor tiger reserve is 40 km from Wardha district headquarter and 65 km from Nagpur. Wildanimals like Tiger, Fox, Hyena, Sloth Bear are seen. Peacocks are in abundance.It is very reach in flora and fauna. CONCERNS COWSNon milking cows are left unattended on the streets to fend for themselves.No provision for addressing ailments. WILDLIFEHumans entering forest pose a threat to wildlife and these interactions sometimes result in fatalities. FARMERSHigh suicide rates amongst farmers due to poverty and shrinking means of generating livelihood. FIREWOODVillagers entering the forest reserve to collect firewood for cooking meals. This poses serious threat to human lives. ENVIRONMENTNon regulated cutting of trees poses an environmental threat to the reserve too. Click here to get project report CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US